by | Jan 21, 2024
WR 16 Constellation: Carina WR 16 (V396 Car) is a rotating ellipsoidal variable Wolf-Rayet star in the constellation of Carina. WR 16 is 3,638,2 times more luminus and 54.4 times larger than the Sun. It has been calculated to be located 3’229 Ly from Earth. Link...
by | Oct 2, 2023
WR 102 Constellation: Sagittarius WR 102 is a variable Wolf-Rayet star in the constellation of Sagittarius. WR 102 is surrounded by a bubble nebula blown by the intense radiation and fast wind from the star.WR 102 an extremely rare star on the WO oxygen sequence. It...
by | Jun 13, 2023
Wolf-Rayet star WR124 Constellation: Sagitta WR124, is located about 20’500 Ly away in the constellation of Sagitta. WR124 is a Wolf-Rayet star is surrounded by an ejection nebula of expelled material known as M1-67. M1-67 is approximately 6 lightyears across,...
by | Jun 5, 2023
NGC 3199 Constellation: Carina NGC 3199 is an emssion nebula in the constellation Carina. Link to interactive sky chart. The image contains the Wolf-Rayet star WR 18, which is located 6272.37 Ly from Earth. It is the brighter star just above the centre of the image...
by | Mar 27, 2023
The Keyhole nebula — η(Eta) Carinae Constellation: Carina The Keyhole nebula, is a small dark cloud of dust within the Carina nebula (NGC 3372), containing bright filaments of hot, fluorescing gas. In it located in the constellation of Carina. The Carina nebula is...