WR 116

Constellation: Scutum

WR 116 (EM* AS 306, V* V460 Sct) is a variable Wolf-Rayet star in the constellation of Scutum. Link to interactive sky chart.



This is derived from the outstanding data taken by Martin Pugh during June 2024 (Martin’s website: Remote Astrophotography with Martin Pugh (martinpughastrophotography.space).

His telescope is located in Chile (Observatory: El Sauce).

Telescope & Mount:

Planewave CDK24 (F6.5) on a Planewave L600 mount.


Camera: Moravian G3-61000 (bin 2×2)

Astrodon Ha: 32x1200s
Astrodon R: 15x180s
Astrodon G: 15x180s
Astrodon B: 15x180s

Total integration time: 12h 55′