Messier 46

Messier 46

Messier 46 Constellation: Puppis Messier 46 is an open cluster in the constellation of Puppis. It is located about 5’000 Ly from Earth. The planetary nebula NGC 2438 appears to be part of Messier 46, but it is most likely unrelated since it does not share the...
Messier 97 and 108

Messier 97 and 108

Messier 97, The Owl nebulaMessier 108, The Surfboard galaxy Constellation: Ursa Major This wide field image shows both the planetary nebula Messier 97, the Owl nebula (NGC 3587) and Messier 108, the Surfboard galaxy (NGC 3556), a barred spiral galaxy in the...
IC 443, The Jellyfish nebula

IC 443, The Jellyfish nebula

IC 443, The Jellyfish nebula Constellation: Gemini This image covers the region of the Jellyfish nebula (IC 443), a supernova remnant, and IC 444 in the constellation of Gemini. IC 443 is about 5’000 Ly from Earth. IC 443 may be the remains of a supernova that...


Sh2-132, the Lion nebula Constellation: Cepheus The Lion nebula (Sh2-132) is a rich H-II region with star clusters, emission nebulae, and dark dust regions. Located in the southern region of the constellation Cepheus, the Lion nebula is roughly 10’000 Ly from...


MWP 1 Constellation: Cygnus MWP 1* (also known as the Methuselah Nebula, PN G080.3-10.4 ) is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Cygnus. It is 4,500 Ly away and about 150,000 years old. The blue bubble (to the right and below MWP 1) is the planetary nebula Alv...