Sh2-115 region

Constellations: Cygnus

Sh2-115 is a large emission nebula found in the constellation Cygnus. It is located about 7,500 Ly away from Earth.


This image was taken during several nights in June 2022. It consists of two panes, taken with narrowband filters (Hydrogen-α, Oxygen-III and Sulfure-II).

Telescope & Mount:

Takahashi FSQ-106ED on a Paramount MX+ mount


Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro (bin 1×1)

Ha:21x240s and 43x300s

Total integration time: 14h 54′

Sh2-115 consists of a round blue-green region and a redish filamentous region. In this image we also see Sh2-116, a small blue-green planetary nebula located in the filamentous region. It is also known as Abell 71 or PN G084.9+04.4.

This small nebula is Sh2-112.

This is part of the supernova remnant W63 (SNR G82.2+5.3). A closer view of W63 can be seen in this image.