Large Magellanic Cloud
Constellation: Dorado, Mensa
The Large Magellanic Cloud is a satellite galaxy of the Milky Way, and a member of the Local Group of galaxies. It is located in the constellations Dorado and Mensa. At a distance of 163’000 Ly, is one of the closest galaxies to our own (the Small Magellanic Cloud lies at about 200’00 Ly from Earth). It size is bout 32’200 Ly across and about 1/100th as massive as the Milky Way. To the naked eye, away from light pollution, its apparent length is about 20 times that of the Moon diameter (10°). Link to interactive sky chart.
This image was taken in November and December 2020 by Telescope Live:
The telescope is located in Chile (Observatory: El Sauce).
Telescope & Mount:
Nikon 200 F/2 lens on a 10 Micron GM1000HPs mount.
Camera: FLI ML 16200 (bin 1×1)
Astrodon Ha: 2x300s + 2x600s
Astrodon O-III: 2x300s + 2x600s
Astrodon S-II: 2x300s + 2x600s
Total integration time: 1h 30′