SN2023rve in NGC 1097
Constellation: Fornax
NGC 1097 is a barred spiral galaxy. It is located about 45 million Ly away in the constellation Fornax. It interacts with the galaxy NGC 1097A, which causes tidal debris and distortions.
The stars in the first image were taken from the autumn 2022 data , while those in the second image come from the images taken after September 13, 2023. The Supernova SN2023rve, discovered by Mohammad Odeh on Spetember 8, is clearly visible in the second image. SN2023rve has reached a magnitude of about 14 around September 11, 2023 (link to Mohammad’s light curve). More information. Link to interactive sky chart.
These images were taken in Autumn 2022 and after September 13, 2023 by Telescope Live:
The telescope is located in Chile (Observatorio El Sauce).
Telescope & Mount:
Planewave CDK24 on a Mathis MI-1000/1250 mount with absolute encoders.
Autumn 2022 (Before the Supernova)
Camera: FLI PL 9000 (bin 1×1)
Astrodon L: 14x600s
Astrodon R: 14x600s
Astrodon G: 14x600s
Astrodon B: 14x600s
Autumn 2022 (After the Supernova explosion)
Camera: QHY 600M Pro (bin 2×2)
Astrodon L: 25x300s
Astrodon R: 24x300s
Astrodon G: 25x300s
Astrodon B: 29x300s
Total integration time (Overall): 17h 55′
Pre-discovery image taken by Telescope-Live on 2023-09-06T12-56-47, i.e. 56 hours before the official discovery.
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106ED
Camera: QHY 600M
Data: 10x300s (50′)