
Constellation: Canis Major

Sh2-308 (a.k.a the Dolphin-Head Nebula) is an H-II region in the constellation of Canis Major. It is located about 4’530 Ly from Earth. The bubble nebula, which was formed about 70’000 years ago,  surrounds the Wolf-Rayet star WR6 or EZ Canis Major. Link to interactive sky chart.


This is derived from the outstanding data taken by Martin Pugh during 2024 and January 2025 (Martin’s website: Remote Astrophotography with Martin Pugh (

His telescope is located in Namibia.

Colour palette is HOO.

Telescope & Mount:

FSQ106EDX4 with reducer at f3.8 on a 10Micron HPS1000 mount.


Camera: PlayerOne Poseidon Mono (bin 1×1)

Antlia L: 13x300s
Antlia R: 23x180s
Antlia G: 23x180s
Antlia B: 23x180s

Antlia Ha: 69x300s
Antlia Oiii: 72x300s

Total integration time: 15h 51′