Sh2-232 region

Constellation: Auriga

Sh2-232 (in the center), Sh2-235 the brightest area as well as Sh2-231 and the much smaller Sh2-233 to the left are H-II regions in the constellation of Auriga. The tinymagenta structure just above centre of Sh2-232 is the planetary nebula, PN G173.5+03.2. Sh2-235 is located about 5’870 Ly from Earth. Link to interactive sky chart.


This image was taken between August 2022 and January 2023

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Telescope & Mount:

Takahashi FSQ-106ED on a Paramount Mx mount


Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro (bin 1×1)

Hα: 74x300s
O-III: 153x300s
S-II: 86×300
Total integration time: 26h 5′