Sh2-170 and Sh2-171, a Cosmic Question Mark

Constellations: Cassiopeia and Cepheus 

The Cosmic Question Mark, spans the constellation Cepheus (Sh2-171, the larger nebula) and Cassiopeia (Sh2-170, the Little Rosette). Sh2-171 is part of the bigger nebula NGC 7822, which is a young star forming region.


This image was taken on mid-July 2022, and consists of two panes, taken with narrowband filters (Hydrogen-α, Oxygen III and Sulfure II).

Telescope & Mount:

Takahashi FSQ-106ED on a Paramount MX+ mount


Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro (bin 1×1)


Total integration time: 13h 12′

Core of Sh2-171 (NGC 7822). It is located about 2’900 Ly from Earth.

Sh2-17o, the Little Rosette nebula, is an H2 region located in the constellation of Cassiopeia. This region of gas and dust is located about 7500 Ly away from Earth in the Perseus arm of our galaxy.

A closer view of NGC 7822 in HSO.


This image was taken in August 2024.

Color palette HSO

Telescope & Mount:

ASA 12n F/3.6 Corrected Newtonian on a Paramount ME mount.


Camera: ZWO ASI2600-MM pro (bin 1×1)

Ha: 120x300s
O3: 117x300s
S2: 119x300s

Total integration time: 29h 40′