NGC 4565, the Needle galaxy

Constellation: Come Berenices

NGC 4565, the Needle galaxy, is a giant edge-on spiral galaxy in the constellations Coma Berenices. Its distance from Earth is about 30 million Ly. North of the galaxy’s core we find IC 3571, a small irregular galaxy, and IC 3582, and eliptical galaxy. North-West is IC 3546, a spiral galaxy, while South-West one can see NGC 4562, a barred spiral galaxy. NGC 4565 lies close to the North Galatic Pole.


This image was taken in early April 2022

Telescope & Mount:

Orion Optics UK ODK10 on a GM1000HPS mount


Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM Pro (bin 2×2)

L: 68x180s
R: 20x180s
G: 20x180s
B: 20x180s

Total integration time: 6h 24′