Molecular Cloud 126.6+24.5
Constellation: Cepheus
The molecular cloud 126.6+24.5 is located in the the constellation Cepheus.
A molecular cloud (or dense cloud) is a gas cloud of sufficient size and density and sufficiently low temperature that molecules such as H2 form. Stars form in molecular clouds, where the low temperature leads to the highest cloud densities. Molecular clouds are typically detected and measured by observing the luminosity of carbon monoxide (CO), which is presumed present.
This image was taken during several nights in early September 2022 with broadband filter (luminosity, Red, Green and Blue).
Telescope & Mount:
Agena Astro 14″ Newtonian on a Paramount ME mount.
Camera: FLI KL 4040 (bin 1×1)
Lum: 122x180s
R: 83x180s
G: 78x180s
B: 70x180s
Total integration time: 11h 33′