LDN 865
Constellation: Cygnus
LDN 865 is a dark cloud in the constellation of Cygnus. It shows a lot of Ha structures and seems to hide a region of ionized oxygen, of which a “lightning bolt”-like structure seems to emerge towards the south. At the northeastern corner of the image is NGC 6888. Link to interactive sky chart.
This image was taken 0n September 9, 2023.
Telescope & Mount:
Celestron 9.25″ EdgeHD with Hyperstar 4.0 on a 10Micron GM1000HPS mount.
Camera: ASI2600MC-Pro (bin 1×1)
Antlia ALP-T Dual Band 5nm Highspeed: 376x120s
Total integration time: 12h 32′

Prodtruding from “under” LDN 865 is an Oiii lightning bolt nebula, as if an SNR would hide behind the dark cloud.

To the southwest is the small planetary nebula NeVe 2 depicted in center of the image on the left.