IC 405, The Flaming Star nebula
Constellation: Auriga
This image covers the region near the Flaming Star nebula (IC 405, Sh2-229) in the constellation of Auriga. Link to interactive sky chart.
The Flaming Star nebula is an emission and reflection nebula surrounding the bluish, irregular variable star AE Aurigae. The nebula lies about 1’500 Ly from Earth and is about 5 Ly across.
This image was taken between December 30 and January 1, 2024
This image is composed of two panes. Color palette is HSO.
Telescope & Mount:
Celestron 9.25″ EdgeHD with Hyperstar 4.0 on a 10Micron GM1000HPS mount.
Camera: ASI2600MC-Pro (bin 1×1)
Antlia ALP-T Dual Band 5nm Highspeed: 189x180s.
Askar ColorMagic (S2O3): 219x180s
Total integration time: 20h 24′