10 open clusters in Cassiopeia

Constellations: Cassiopeia

This image contains 10 open clusters located in the constelletion of Cassiopeia. The central OC is NGC 663 and at the far right is Messier 103. The other OCs are NGC 743, Czernik 4 and 5, IC 166, NGC 654, Berkeley 6, NGC 659 and Trumpler 1. Link to interactive sky chart.


This image was taken during several nights in December 2022. It was taken with broadband filters (LRGB).

Telescope & Mount:

Takahashi FSQ-106ED on a Paramount MX+ mount


Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro (bin 1×1)

Lum: 1080x120s
R: 78x300s
G: 90x60s
B: 98x60s

Total integration time: 8h 2′