Messier 52 region

Constellations: Cassiopeia

The open cluster Messier 52 is part of a very bright and beautiful region of nebulosity in the constellation of Cassiopeia.


This image was taken during many nights between mid-May and July 2022. It consists of two panes, taken with narrowband filters (Hydrogen-α, Oxygen III and Sulfure II).

Telescope & Mount:

Takahashi FSQ-106ED on a Paramount MX+ mount


Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro (bin 1×1)


Total integration time: 15h

Messier 52 (NGC 7654) is an open cluster just to the northwest of the Bubble nebula (NGC 7635), part of Sh2-162. The large nebula to its northeast is Sh2-161, and contains the bright nebula NGC 7538.

This large nebula is Sh2-157, the Lobster Claw nebula. The bright nebular spot near the center of the image is LBN 537, also known as Sh2-157a.


This image was taken between August and September 2024.

Image 1: Color palette SHO
Image 2: Color palette HSO

Telescope & Mount:

ASA 12n F/3.6 Corrected Newtonian on a Paramount ME mount.


Camera: ZWO ASI2600-MM pro (bin 1×1)

Ha: 95x300s
O3: 118x300s
S2: 120x300s

Total integration time: 27h 45′