Messier 52 region

Constellations: Cassiopeia

The open cluster Messier 52 is part of a very bright and beautiful region of nebulosity in the constellation of Cassiopeia.


This image was taken during many nights between mid-May and July 2022. It consists of two panes, taken with narrowband filters (Hydrogen-α, Oxygen III and Sulfure II).

Telescope & Mount:

Takahashi FSQ-106ED on a Paramount MX+ mount


Camera: ZWO ASI2600MM Pro (bin 1×1)


Total integration time: 15h

Messier 52 (NGC 7654) is an open cluster just to the northwest of the Bubble nebula (NGC 7635), part of Sh2-162. The large nebula to its northeast is Sh2-161, and contains the bright nebula NGC 7538.

This large nebula is Sh2-157, the Lobster Claw nebula. The bright nebular spot near the center of the image is LBN537, also known as Sharpless 157a. The bright cluster of stars located to the northeast is the open cluster NGC 7510.