NGC 7635, the Bubble nebula
Constellation: Cassiopeia
NGC 7635, the Bubble nebula, is an emission nebula located in the constellation of Cassiopeia. It is created by the stellar wind from a massive hot young central star, approximately 1.6 million Ly from Earth. The image was taken with narrowband filter: Hydrogen-α, Oxygen III and Sulfure II.
This image was taken between August and September 2024
Color palette is HSO
Telescope & Mount:
AD300 12″ F/6.8 Dall Kirkham on a GM2000 mount
Camera: PlayerOne Poseidon-M (bin 2×2)
Ha: 117x300s
Oiii: 120x300s
Sii: 68x300s
Total integration time: 25h 25′