Sh2-140, Sh2-145 and Sh2-150
Constellation: Cepheus
Sh2-140, Sh2-145 and Sh2-150 are located in the constellation of Cepheus. Sh2-140, an emission nebula with an open cluster and youg stars, is about 2’940 Ly away from earth. Sh2-145, also an emission nebula, is separated from Sh2-140 by the dark nebula LDN1024. Sh2-150 is the third emission nebula at the top of this image. Link to interactive sky chart.
This image was taken in August 2023. It is a mosaic of two panes.
Telescope & Mount:
Celestron 9.25″ EdgeHD with Hyperstar 4.0 on a 10Micron GM1000HPS mount.
Camera: ASI2600MC-Pro (bin 1×1)
Antlia ALP-T Dual Band 5nm Highspeed: 319x120s
Total integration time: 10h 38′